If you like any paranormal shows, you may of heard of Finely's Bar & Grill. Practically in the middle of nowhere, it is a really easy place to miss. Me and my partner took a drive to Manteca solely for the purpose of eating at a haunted establishment (the long drive being a bonus), and although we didn't personally experience anything ghostly, it was worth it. It's the novelty, isn't it? I don't for a second doubt that the place does have an entity due to the dozens of stories I've read since going, and the fact they're trying to shy away it all. It would be easy for the owners to give into the tourist route and have it plastered all over the place, but the owner didn't mention it until we did. Having previously done nights dedicated to investigators with priced tickets, no owner in their right mind would stop that unless they're actually struggling with what they say they are. Anyhoo, onto the overall review.
First and foremost, they do not allow photos or phones inside of the bar, which is something I didn't see mentioned anywhere online prior to stepping foot through the door. It wasn't a deal breaker, at all, but if you're going to do your own "ghost hunt", then keep that in mind. The owner, Lisa, was very kind and said that she doesn't personally mind when investigators put down their equipment on the table when eating to see if they can capture anything, but ongoing investigations and provoking is unappreciated. She was actually lovely. Upon asking what brought us there (which, seen as it's in the middle of nowhere, is a pretty darn understandable question), she gave us a fact sheet about the history of the place from behind the bar and was willing to answer any questions.
It was empty when we visited, but being 3pm on a weekday, it isn't really surprising. The decor of the place yelled "well loved" and was cluttered with little bits and bobs that the owners have likely collected over the years. It was homey, in it's own way. That may be my Welsh side speaking - being used to older buildings and bars that you expect 80 year old men to be regulars at. I liked it though, it was comforting. I've seen many people online who have complained about the establishment being "dusky" and old, but I really didn't get that. The bar was clean and the thin layer of dust over the vintage looking whiskey's just added to the charm. I don't know, maybe I'm just easily at home. People have also repeatedly complained about the prices, but it seem well rounded to me. It wasn't more expensive than the other foody places me and my partner went to. Which leads me onto.. the food.
It was good. They had a decent beer selection, especially given the fact they're in the middle of practically nowhere. The menu had plenty of options, but I will say that if you're veggie, you're kinda stuck with the vegetable burger or sides (at least for lunch), but that was okay with me. What I expected. If you look at the menu online prior to going, keep in mind that some of the options are no longer available. The food itself was really good, and again, I've seen so many people online complaining about the food - that it was cold, not tasty. I don't see it. Maybe they switch between cooks or get rushed off their feet, but ours was great and I can only speak for that. I would recommend this place to people. We went in expecting standard pub food but instead got plates of yumminess that I'd be happy with if we were in an actual established restaurant.
All in all, I liked Finely's Bar & Grill and I'd be interested visiting again, possibly in the evening. I imagine the atmosphere is something one cannot beat. Oh! The garden. We didn't take a walk around it as we felt too awkward to ask (okay, I did. Sssshh.), but it was beautiful. You have to go out the back to visit the restroom so I got a little glimpse. Definitely romantic.
If you have any other questions that you're too shy to ask them about (been there, I get it), shoot me an email at rootingbranches@gmail.com or tweet me at @RootingBranches and I'll be happy to try and help.
- Anne x
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