The Hallotober Tag 2020


It's the spooooky season which can only mean a Halloween themed tag! For this I was kindly tagged by the wonderful Georgia over at BritVoyage and Emily over at ThatWeirdGirlLife. Both of these women create awesome content so I urge you to go over to both of their blogs and have a read. I'll tag their The Hallober Tag posts at the bottom of this so you can go straight on over. Thanks again, Georgia and Emily! Let's get answering.

Hallotober Rules

  1. Thank the person who tagged you and link to their post 
  2. Put the rules at the beginning or after introduction
  3. Answer the 13 questions 
  4. Tag 13 people to do the tag 
  5. Delete Question 13, add a new question of your own
  6. You are free to use the tag image somewhere in the post

1. What’s your favourite thing about October? 

A few years ago when I lived at a local estate in Wales, I would've said answering the door to trick or treaters. I loved seeing all their little costumes and handing out an array of sugar-fueled joy. Now, however, I live in the middle of nowhere, so I have to instead answer with horror movies. It's always a good time of year to watch a few slashers but the overall atmosphere of Halloween really adds to the watching experience. 

2. Are you a big celebrator of Halloween?

I was when I was in my late teens. But I think it was easier to amerce myself into the Halloween mood when I was able to dress up, answer trick or treaters, and carve pumpkins with my mother.  Nowadays it's hard to separate Halloween from the other 30 days in October. Being an adult sucks, basically.

3. What’s your favourite horror movie?

I've said it a million times before but I have to go with Halloween H20. I watched this for the first time when I was a literal child and it's kept my interest since. Not many movies can do that. If we're talking about a movie I only watch over the Halloween period, then the answer is and always will be Hocus Pocus. I always get emotional over Binx, but who doesn't?

4. Would you rather a cosy night in watching horrors or a big night out in a costume?

This leaves me torn. My hearts says to answer with the 'cosy night in' option but my mind says to be rebellious and say 'big night out'. I guess this comes down to the fact that I've never gone out on Halloween so I feel like I'm missing out on something. Obviously this year isn't going to be the solution to this decision making but hopefully 2021? Despite my hatred of crowds and public interactions, I still want to experience a traditional teen/early 20's Halloween night out. Maybe I'm crazy. Scratch that, I definitely am. How much do you want to bet that I'll still somehow end up home by 9pm with a glass of red wine and Michael on my screen? 

5. Which has been your most favourite costume to date? 

Honestly, I've never done elaborate costumes if it wasn't Christmas time and I was basking in my inner Elf soul. So.. I guess in 2015 when I randomly put together a Wednesday Addams outfit from my literal daily outfit? That year I volunteered at a local Halloween event for under 15's and it was so much fun. Definitely one of my favourite memories. 

6. Bobbing for apples or pin the hat on the witch? 

Seen as I will physically be hurt by apples (medical condition), I guess pin the hat on the witch..? I've never played this but once partook in a 'pin the sticker tail on the donkey' game and failed miserably. Again, I'm so sorry Mother for accidentally putting a sticker on the wallpaper.

7. How do you celebrate Halloween? 

Now I'm married I spend Halloween watching spooky movies, carving pumpkins, ordering pizza, and eating my bodyweight in candy. On the days leading up to Halloween me and my husband do a drinking game while watching Halloween 4&5. How many times does Jamie say Tina? How many times does Rachel say Jamie? How many times do we hear Michaels theme song? How many deaths? It's destructive but oh so fun. I highly recommend. 

8. What’s your least favourite horror? 

Ever? The Halloween Rob Zombie remakes. What a load of crap. I'm still personally offended. 

9. Do you have a favourite trick or treating memory? 

Sadly not. My mother used to kindly throw me Halloween parties and would stay out way too late allowing me to continue Trick or Treating. But I don't have a specific Trick or Treat memory that stays with me. If we're just talking Halloween then I'd have to go with the first year that me and my mother carved pumpkins. In the UK this wasn't a huge tradition until I was in my late teens and FUN. Granted, my mother gagged the moment she smelt the insides of the Pumpkin. But ya know, still fun.

10. What’s your favourite thing about Halloween?

Pumpkins. Pumpkin pie, carving pumpkins, pumpkin spice coffee, pumpkin scented candles, pumpkin patches. All of the pumpkin. I'm basic but thriving at this time of year.

11. Scary costume or Silly costume? 

Silly! I'm totally a Cady Heron.

12. What’s your favourite Halloween candy?

Kit-Kats and Candy Corn. Popcorn is also a must.

Georgia's Question: 13. Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

I regret to say, yes. I've had multiple paranormal experiences over my 24 years. Did I want them? Absolutely not. Maybe I'll write an entire blog post sometimes this month sharing my experiences, is that something you would read? Or too ramble scentric? Let me know!

Emily's Question: 13. Candy corn: Do you love it or hate it?

Love! I think, maybe. It kind of tastes like plastic but as a British gal who always lusted after candy corn until I finally got to try it when I was 18-years-old, it fulfills my childhood Halloween dreams. Now I buy way too many bags for the duration of October and instantly regret that choice after the first. Yay...?

My Questions:

  1. What’s your favourite thing about October?
  2.  Are you a big celebrator of Halloween?
  3. What’s your favourite horror movie?
  4. Would you rather a cosy night in watching horrors or a big night out in a costume?
  5. Which has been your most favourite costume to date?
  6. Bobbing for apples or pin the hat on the witch?
  7. How do you celebrate Halloween?
  8. What’s your least favourite horror?
  9. Do you have a favourite trick or treating memory?
  10. What’s your favourite thing about Halloween?
  11. Scary costume or Silly costume?
  12. What’s your favourite Halloween candy?
  13. You're attending a fancy smancy Halloween party. Money is no issue, what costume do you choose?

Hallotober Nominees: 

  1. Bill @ Billiam The Nerd
  2. Sophie @ soinspo
  3. Mercedes @  mercedes-stampinglife
  4. Imogen @ Imogens Typewriter
  5. Saph @ Simply Saph
  6. Liza @ The Inharmonious Heroine
  7. Kim @ Chimmyville
  8. Anna @ Anna-Alina
  9. Eloise @ Eloise Writes
  10. Emma @ Lipgloss and Curves
  11. Melina @ melinaelisa
  12. Meagan @ Quibbles and Scribbles
  13. Louisa @ Petals, Paws andpages

Please go over to their blogs and check out their answers.

Thanks for reading,


  1. I'd definitely read your paranormal experience stories! I've had a few too and love hearing about others'.

    Great answers too, loved reading them :)


  2. Thanks for tagging me! Loved your answers 😃 I would absolutely love a post of your paranormal experiences!

    Saph x

  3. Thank you for the tag! I totally agree with the Halloween remake. I've seen it twice and I never want to again.

    And I think Kit Kats are so underrated. I always forget how much I love them until I eat one, then I don't want to stop :)

  4. Yay, I'm so glad you did the tag! Your drinking game to Halloween 4 & 5 sounds hilarious! I love it! And I totally understand about wanting to go to a big Halloween party like you see in the movies. I'm sure it wouldn't be as great as depicted, but wouldn't it be fun to say you went just once? And I agree with your mother, the inside of pumpkins smell gross! I can handle it, but my sister literally can't. She's all for carving, but I have to do the dirty work of scooping. Yuck!

    And I would love a blog post about your paranormal experiences if you'd be willing to share! I've never experienced anything, but I kind of believe. Or I guess I want to believe!

    This was so much fun to read!!! <3

    Emily |

  5. Thankk you for being you


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